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Oroville mayor honored for proclaiming General Aviation Appr

2014-02-12 15:09 来源:omakchronicle.com 作者:佚名 阅读: 次 

 — The Alliance for Aviation Across America today commended Mayor Chuck Spieth for proclaiming February as “General Aviation Appreciation Month” in his city.

In his proclamation dated Feb. 4, Spieth said:

"General aviation and local airports play a critical role in the success of our local businesses and the livelihoods and citizens."

In Washington state, the general aviation industry represents $3.18 billion in economic activity annually. Here, Dorothy Scott Municipal Airport has an annual economic impact of $3.1 million and supports 51 local jobs.

“This proclamation recognizes the vast benefits of general aviation to local communities and cities, such as Oroville," said Selena Shilad, Alliance executive. "Dorothy Scott Municipal Airport provides vital services to the area, including agricultural spraying, medical transport, and civil air patrol.

“We extend our gratitude to Mayor Spieth for his dedication to raising awareness of this important industry.”




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