Hindsight is 20/20 and in the fractional-share business, foresight may at best be about 20/1,000. In a market like todays and with a rapidly evolving product like fractional, even the most seasoned insiders seem to lack a clear sense of wh... [查看详细]
近日,民生国际通用航空有限责任公司通过了民航华北地区管理局的公司更名运行合格审定,并获得了《CCAR-135部运行合格证》、《CCAR-135部运行规范》以及《CCAR-91部航空器代管人运行规范》。作为中国首家机队规模将超百架的世界级旗舰型通用航空运营商,民生... [查看详细]
A Cessna 172RG landed hard in the middle of Anchorage's Boniface Parkway with three people aboard on Tuesday, Jan 7, 2014. There were no inj uries. In a recent thought-provokingcolumnin AOPA Pilot, the magazine for the Aircraft Owners and... [查看详细]
Guarded optimism for the year ahead, despite a number of looming concerns on several fronts, was the dominant theme expressed by leaders of the major general aviation ( GA ) associations in a town hall forum discussion yesterday morning at... [查看详细]
* Still aiming for 13-14 pct EBITDA, 9-9.5 pct EBIT margins * 4th-qtr profit more than doubled on late delivery surge * CEO sees book-to-bill ratio of 1 or better this year * Shares rise as much as 6 pct, best session in eight months (Adds... [查看详细]
Air BP, the leading international aviation fuel supplier will use this years Abu Dhabi Air Expo, February 25 27, the only dedicated general aviation air show in the region, to showcase its UAE offering and mark its growing success in the r... [查看详细]
地域辽阔的新疆 成为众多小航空企业的竞飞之地。截至目前,除已投入运营的7家外,还有4家通用航空企业正在筹建。 记者从民航新疆管理局了解到,加上最近获得建设许可的西亚(直升机)航空有限公司,目前新疆有4家通用航空企业正在筹建中。 根据民航新疆管... [查看详细]
政府工作报告规划的未来五年发展愿景令人振奋。在今后的发展中, 上街 区将努力把 通用航空 产业 打造 成上街的 主导产业 ,建设 产业高端、环境优美、城乡一元、文明和谐 的新上街。市人大代表、上街区委书记樊福太描述的上街蓝图令人神往。 樊福太说,通用... [查看详细]
金额超过10亿美元 美国进出口银行批准为向中国出口湾流飞机提供3亿美元融资,为2,100个美国工作岗位提供支持 华盛顿2014年2月24日电 /美通社/ -- 美国进出口银行 (Ex-Im Bank) 今天宣布,从2012财年开始,该银行支持美国国产公务机和直升飞机出口的融资金额... [查看详细]
春节期间,通用航空消息面上最大的亮点是美亚旅游航空公司的水上飞机运营项目在三亚正式起航,这是我国官方认可的第一个取得载客运营资质的水上飞机运营项目,在该项目筹备及运营许可的申请和审批过程中还推动民航当局填补了水上飞机相关管理规章上的空白。... [查看详细]